Many Azerbaijani dictionaries of different purpose within one offline application!
Install it and become an owner of the application, which will provide you with the following functions:
• Easily finding explanations, synonyms, homonyms, antonyms and translations into foreign languages for Azerbaijani words;
• Translating words from foreign languages into Azerbaijani;
• Finding words not only by their beginning letters but by middle and last letters as well;
• Searching required words and collocations not only within the word-list but within texts of dictionary entries too;
• Adding dictionary entries into “Bookmarks” list;
• Adding dictionary articles you like into “Bookmark” list;
• Easily finding from “History” list the words you have viewed before;
• Customizing the application according to your needs by turning off/on dictionaries and setting the sequence of dictionaries displaying;
• Downloading new dictionaries (explanatory, translation and terminological) as they appear.
In addition, the possibility to set language (English, Azerbaijani or Russian) and “theme” for interface will make your work with the application even more comfortable and pleasant!
Note. In order to access all the features of the application install Azerbaijani keyboard installed on your mobile device.